ILLUstration and embroidery
Todays parent | Cheat Sheets illustrations
Todays Parent Magazine | Cheat Sheet Illustration, hand lettering and partial styling.
AD: Stephanie Kim
The globe and mail | the art of gratitude embroideries
The Globe and Mail | The Art of Gratitude hand embroidered pieces. Progress of embroidery was scanned to create the gifs.
Featured on the front page of the Globe and mail
AD: Ming Wong
Todays Parent | best natual baby skincare illustrations
Todays Parent Magazine | Feature with floral illustrations over a photograph
AD: Sun Ngo
TOdays parent | The Power of a Mother Embroidery
Todays Parent Magazine | Hand embroidery and photo styling.
AD: Sun Ngo & Stephanie Kim
todays parent | quick fixes illustrations
Todays Parent Magazine | Quick Fix illustrations.
AD: Stephanie Kim
personal illustrations & Embroideries
Citrus Tiger. Watercolour painted & printed on fabric - then hand embroidered..
Portrait of Anya Taylor Joy. Digitally painted & printed on fabric - then hand embroidered..